Monday, April 11, 2011

This is the area that I drew with stick and Ink. I like working outside,especially on this nice day. I recently found a mannequin that will help me draw woman figures so that will be in my sketch book. When I am returned my work I will post my final drafts.

This is the portrait that was my final choice. It is from the fifties and I think that it is a good example because of the direct light source and the planes on the man face. This image had mare applicable variations of value. I finished my drawing last night and I am excited to hear what my peers say in critique, also a little scared..haha. I also enjoy the expression and action of the man. I know it's supposed to be realistic but it's also conceptual. The image that I looked at was photoshopped for more contrast.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Night time drawing

This is my nighttime drawing. I honestly believe that I can do better so I'm going to redo it. I have had a lack of time so this drawing was put in the back burner category. Next time I will draw a concrete bridge so I will have more varieties of value. My experience doing this was a little difficult. I think it was difficult because I am not used to drawing outside drawing on an air conditioner. I was very surprised that my dog stayed in my composition long enough for me to draw her. I will redo this one because of the quality, unless I am completely surprised by the critique.

This is a side project that I did for a shirt Idea.I used silver and black as contrasting values.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dan Pyle

Today I was searching for drawing artists that does what Cole expects me to accomplish to get an A. It took me a while, but I think I found the perfect artist because he uses good value planes to create realistic drawings. In some of his work he uses a direct light source. In my opinion, this dude would be an A student in my Drawing 2 class.

This is something I painted in my garage. I may add value to the contour of the baby sheriff.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Contrast and Videos

These are the two videos with contrast that interested me. I chose the first one because it demonstrates contrast in a media that I prefer, stenciling. The second video is of the doors. I like the lighting in the particular video. It also shows a variety of different values that I found interesting.
This is my drawing due February 8th. I hope to accomplish more and show more contrast. The still life is in my living room.After I receieve the homework I turned in I will post a new blog showing my experience in this certain media, erasing charcoal.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Drawing 2

My name is Sean Winfrey and I plan to major in animation at MCA. I am from Memphis and I received scholarships for MCA  with the help of the art program at Overton High School. Art has been a big part of my life because my parents are well known artists. I have came to this school to learn and gain potential for future job opportunities. I think it would be an accomplishment to make a living of what I love doing, creating. Art college is a chance for me to set down a status for my reputation in the art world. The practice in school will help me sharpen my skill and distinguish my style while giving me the accomplishment. I received a C last semester in drawing. This semester I will prove to myself that I can achieve a better grade. I plan to push my efforts.